
“Natural musicality and beauty of tone.”

- Cincinnati Enquirer

“Fei-Fei brought both engaging musicality and delightful spoken commentary that showed how vivacious and poetic pianism can create a compelling narrative.” (Cleveland Classical)

Infusing “intoxicating grace” with “exceptional musicality” and “inconceivable virtuosity,” pianist Fei-Fei conjures a special and undeniable connectivity with her audiences that brings joy, passion, and deep understanding of the music (Badische Neueste Nachrichten). Her engaging and endearing personality shines through in each note, each word, and each expression—whether performing as a soloist, recitalist, chamber musician on world stages, or as a community outreach advocate and committed educator.

“Sporting a naturally gracious charm and stage presence,” Fei-Fei has “shared her musical passions unstintingly” around the globe (Peninsula Review). Recent projects include her role artist-in-residence with the Baden-Baden Philharmonic touring in Germany, a Carnegie Hall performance and tour of Spain with the New York Youth Symphony, a cross-disciplinary collaboration with Ballet Arkansas, a performance of Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 3 at Lincoln Center with the Pegasus Symphony, a 19-city tour of China with her Aletheia Piano Trio (Fei-Fei is a founding member of this 10-year-old ensemble), and performances of lesser-represented repertoire, including concertos by Leroy Anderson, Florence Price, Clara Schumann, and Xiaogang Ye.

Additional concerto highlights include performances with the Fort Worth Symphony, Kansas City Symphony, Buffalo Philharmonic, Aspen Music Festival Orchestra, Illinois Philharmonic, Spokane Symphony, Corpus Christi Symphony, Austin Symphony, Denver Philharmonic, Anchorage Symphony, and the Juilliard Orchestra. Internationally, she has performed with Canada’s Calgary Philharmonic, Germany’s Rostock and Baden-Baden Philharmonic Orchestras, and in China with the Shenzhen Symphony, Hong Kong Philharmonic, and China National Symphony Orchestras.

Fei-Fei was featured prominently as a Cliburn finalist in the documentary film, Virtuosity, about the 2013 Cliburn Competition, which premiered on PBS in August 2015. Deeply committed to sharing her joy for music and connecting with communities, Fei-Fei frequently engages students and community audiences through school and outreach concerts and masterclasses.

Born in Shenzhen, Fei-Fei began piano lessons at the age of 5. She is a graduate of The Juilliard School where she studied with Dr. Yoheved Kaplinsky, and is currently pursing Doctoral of Musical Arts degree with pianist Yefim Bronfman at Manhattan School of Music. Fei-Fei is also a member of the piano faculty at John J. Cali School of Music at Montclair State University and teaching associate to pianist Yefim Bronfman at Manhattan School of Music beginning in Fall 2023.

出生于深圳,中国青年钢琴家董霏霏毕业于纽约茱莉亚音乐学院,师承钢琴系主任卡普林斯基教授;在校期间,她荣获全额奖学金,并连年获得钢琴系最高荣誉Gina Bachauer奖,协奏曲比赛金奖,及林肯中心独奏会大奖。继2013年范•克莱本比赛获奖后,她的演奏受到国际乐坛的瞩目,被众多音乐媒体赞誉为“现今古典音乐界最清新,令人振奋的一缕空气... 极富诗意韵味,让人屏气凝神。”




潜心艺术的霏霏同样投身致力于音乐公益事业,多次走进美国高校校园举办音乐大师班、钢琴讲座及音乐会。 她还曾多次为敬老院老人和艾尔兹海默患者进行募捐义演。今年她在纽约为上百名自闭症儿童和他们的家庭举行义演。 她希望将她从音乐中领悟到的感动,延伸到音乐厅之外更广的区域,用音乐慰籍需要关爱的人们。